Going Public

Baptism is both a public declaration of our personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and a celebration of the abundant life he promises to those who believe. It is not a suggestion, but a command (Matthew 28:19–20)! Baptism kicks off a lifelong journey of pursuing Jesus wholeheartedly.

At Mountain Park, we practice baptism through immersion as a biblical expression of new life - our spiritual death, burial, and resurrection with Christ. If you have made the decision to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior and have not yet been baptized, we encourage you to join us for our next Baptism Orientation!


Who should get baptized?

Baptism and faith go hand in hand. If you have put your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you should be baptized. Baptism kicks off a life-long journey of pursuing Jesus, so you do not need to be a “perfect” Christian to get baptized (if that was the case no one would ever get baptized!). Baptism reflects your decision to submit your life to the loving leadership of Jesus.

When should I get baptized?

As soon as possible! Throughout the New Testament we see examples of follower of Jesus who believe and are baptized without delay (Acts 2:41, Acts 8:12, Acts 16:29-34, Acts 18:8)

I was already baptized. Can I get baptized again?

If you haven’t been baptized by immersion since you decided to follow Jesus, we want to help you take your next step in baptism! Once you’ve taken that step, there’s no need to be baptized again. Romans 8:35-39 tells us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Though we may wander at times, He is faithful to hold onto us.

Can my child get baptized?

Kids are welcome to participate in baptism, however, we believe that baptism should always be based on an individual’s personal decision to follow Jesus!

Depending on your child’s age, parents might want to consider our Child Dedication program instead! This is an event where parents commit to raising their children to know and love Jesus.


For more information about Child Dedication, go here