
We can't do life alone

We have two types of groups:

Life Groups

These are intimate gatherings that primarily meet in the warmth of homes, on occasions on campus at MPC, fostering a sense of belonging and connection. Designed for the long haul, Life Groups provide a consistent space where relationships deepen, faith is nurtured, and lives are transformed. Join us as we journey together, supporting one another through life’s highs and lows, and experiencing the beauty of authentic community.

Focus Groups

Held primarily at Mountain Park, these groups offer a dynamic environment akin to a classroom setting. Geared towards short-term engagement, they provide an opportunity for concentrated study and exploration of specific topics. Whether delving into scripture, theology, or practical life skills, our Focus Groups offer a structured yet interactive experience. Join us as we gather to grow, learn, and deepen our understanding together in a supportive community setting.


Hear what some Group members have to say below:

Ashley Cubillas

I love the sense of community my husband and I found with our small group. It is so nice to find young married couples that are on the same page of life as us and find a deeper meaning of God together. We have been through some hard times of loss of loved ones as a group and joyous ones like 3 out of 4 couples all pregnant together at the same time. I love walking through life with the others in our small group.